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Available Workshops

Kentucky IPL’s network of creation care leaders offers a range of workshops focused around issues of creation care. 


​​Email us to schedule a workshop.​​ 

Partner Communities may receive a discount on fees.

Growing a Green Team in Your Faith Community 

Fee: $50

It is not uncommon for a few folks concerned about the environment to want to start a "green team" at their faith community to hep share news, coordinate programs within the congregation, and take action together outside the congregation. But where do you go once you have few folks ready to do more? This 1 hour workshop will help you start and/or grow the eco-ministry at your faith community. This workshop works well online.

Faith & Climate 

Fee: $100

This one-time workshop, adaptable from 45-90 minutes, examines faith statements from various world religions and invites participants to reflect on their own awareness of the climate crisis and how their faith tradition/ community/spirituality contributes to the way they engage with it. This workshop works well online.

Reflection & Discussion of Antiracism Books

Fee: $300, split between KIPL and a local environmental justice group

As a part of Kentucky IPLs commitment to environmental justice and the intersection of racial justice and climate justice, we are offering 3-week long, 90 minute facilitated conversations each on three different books (suggested order):

  • White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin J. DiAngelo

  • So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

  • How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

These workshops are primarily geared towards predominantly white faith communities because we understand that there can be no addressing climate change without also addressing racism.  And to address racism, we have to learn how to talk about it. These workshops works well online.

The Path of Hope

Fee: $200


This four-week course (90 minute session each week) is designed to prepare and mobilize faith communities to advocate for strong U.S. climate policy leadership. Your group will learn about climate policy through interviews with attendees at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 25 in 2019. As you learn, you will have chances to share what you are learning in your faith community; your local community; and the public square. This workshop works well online. 

This Old House of Worship​

Fee: $400

“This Old House or Worship” is an in-depth informational workshop focused on connecting your faith community to professionals that can offer insight into how your house of worship can be more energy efficient.    We will facilitate a cross-discipline panel of experts at your congregation to share knowledge and answer specific questions regarding energy efficiency ideas and best-practices. Panelists can cover a range of topics including boiler efficiency, lighting systems, solar installations, zone heating and cooling, building envelop and more.

Solar Tour

Fee: $200 – $400 without transportation. $350 – $550 with transportation.

Solar installations are becoming one of the most common ways for faith communities to care for creation.  The Solar Tour is an opportunity for your congregation to see first-hand how homes, businesses and houses of worship in your area are utilizing the power of the sun to improve their bottom-line and reduce their energy impact.  Tours can accommodate any size group.

Care for Creation Tour

Fee: $200 – $400 without transportation. $350 – $550 with transportation.

The ways that communities are caring for creation are more diverse today than they ever have been.  Our Care for Creation tour is tailored specifically to your area to explore the many sustainability projects that faith-based and secular communities have undertaken.  Some examples of things the tour may include are: electric vehicle charging stations, solar arrays, community gardens, LEED constructed buildings, semi-pervious pavement, wetlands restoration and many more.  The specific content of the tour will be determined by your location.

Kentucky Interfaith Power & Light

PO BOX 5084

Louisville, KY 40255

‪(502) 210-8920

Connecting green leaders, caring for creation, working together for climate justice and environmental sustainability.

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