Green Certifications
Want a way to demonstrate commitment in the care of the environment through action? Whether you are just getting started or are ready for the next level of creation care, using a certification program is an excellent way to engage your faith community in stewardship and showcase what you have accomplished together. Below are resources for your congregations.
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth - Care for Our Common Home
"Care for Our Common Home identifies specific activities that individuals or groups can do that will lead towards a more sustainable world, such as offering an environmental stewardship reflection in your Faith Group, installing or requesting a programmable thermostat in your home, and advocating for local/state/federal energy-efficiency and conservation policies." This program is open to any faith community regardless of religion or denomination.
Disciples of Christ - Green Chalice Program
"The purpose of the Green Chalice Program is to encourage and assist local congregations/DOC Offices and Assemblies who wish to live out their faith by caring for creation. This program is designed to recognize congregations for being good stewards of God’s creation. It also aims to empower congregations/assemblies with ideas and resources to enable them to walk gently on the earth."

KIPL Creation Keepers Partner Community Midway Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) completed the Green Chalice program in 2015!
Presbyterian Church - Earth Care Congregations
"To become certified as Earth Care Congregations churches take the “Earth Care Pledge” and complete activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities and outreach."
Unitarian Universalist - Green Sanctuary Program
"Each congregation performs a self-assessment, writes a plan, and completes projects across: Environmental Justice / Climate Justice, Worship and Celebration, Religious Education, and Sustainable Living."
United Church of Christ - Creation Justice Churches
"The UCC’s Creation Justice Church program assists congregations in making the ministry of environmental justice an integral strand in the DNA of their faith community. A congregation can be designated as a Creation Justice Church by taking six steps."